What we achieve

The ProLIGHTmed project aims to make significant improvements in public lighting across the Euro-MED area, throught a strong and valuable partnership. The main achievements include: 

  • Climate Change Adaptation: We promote climate change adaptation by optimizing public lighting energy efficiency, reducing carbon emissions, and fostering greener living areas;
  • Energy Efficiency: We develop and implement advanced energy-efficient public lighting solutions, ensuring that cities and towns use less energy and save costs;
  • Joint Strategies: We create joint strategies and action plans to improve energy efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions, involving local and national stakeholders for comprehensive solutions;
  • Financing Models: We design innovative financing models to support public lighting optimization projects and initiatives, making it easier for municipalities to fund and implement them;
  • Knowledge Transfer: We conduct cross-border knowledge transfer campaigns, sharing practices and solutions to improve public lighting energy efficiency across the Euro-MED region;
  • Community Benefits: We provide local communities with tools and resources to implement efficient energy plans, integrating technical, socio-economic, and environmental aspects.

By the end of the project, we aim to have established sustainable and efficient public lighting systems that contribute to a greener and more resilient Euro-MED area.


The ProLIGHTmed project brings together partners from 8 countries in the Euro-MED region, united in the desire to tackle a common challenge and achieve significant and long-lasting results.

To learn more about the project and the partnership, click below